Learn how to use color, value, scale, balance, and unity to create smashing quilts. Instructions for five design approaches walk you step by step through the key components of design theory.
Cultural and linguistic diversity: evolutionary approaches
Evolutionary approaches to cultural change are increasingly influential, and many scientists believe that a ‘grand synthesis’ is now in sight (e.g. Mesoudi, Whiten & Laland 2006). At the ‘microevolutionary’ scale, modern theories of cultural evolution recognize that cultural traditions and innovations are socially transmitted person-to-person between and within generations (respectively, by vertical or oblique and by horizontal transmission routes; Cavalli-Sforza & Feldman 1981),...
Systems of Psychotherapy: Dialectical Tensions and IntegrationPsychotherapy today encompasses a broad spectrum of approaches that focus to a varying extent on psychophysiological, behavioral, environmental, or other aspects of human problems. Despite the overlap that exists between many of these approaches, there is no method that integrates more than a few of these aspects. It is therefore important to understand the inherent advantages and disadvantages of each therapy system, and how each helps people to solve their problems.
Brain-Computer Interfaces: Revolutionizing Human-Computer InteractionA brain-computer interface (BCI) establishes a direct output channel between the human brain and external devices. BCIs infer user intent via direct measures of brain activity and thus enable communication and control without movement. This book, authored by experts in the field, provides an accessible introduction to the neurophysiological and signal-processing background required for BCI, presents state-of-the-art non-invasive and invasive approaches, gives an overview of current hardware and software solutions, and reviews the most interesting as well as new, emerging BCI applications.
Integrative Rheumatology offers a new and much-needed perspective in disease and symptom management, blending conventional medicine with alternative approaches not typically included in a Western medical practice. While conventional treatments can provide considerable symptomatic relief and can even slow the progression of many rheumatologic conditions, integrative treatment incorporating lifestyle interventions, mind-body approaches,