Teaching and Evaluating Writing in the Age of Computers and High-Stakes Testing
This book takes on a daunting task: How do writing teachers continue to work toward preparing students for academic and real-world communication situations, while faced with the increasing use of standardized high-stakes testing? Teachers need both the technical ability to deal with this reality and the ideological means to critique the information technologies and assessment methods that are transforming the writing classroom.
How children acquire a sign language and the stages of sign language development are extremely important topics in sign linguistics and deaf education, with studies in this field enabling assessment of an individual child’s communicative skills in comparison to others. In order to do research in this area it is important to use the right methodological tools. The contributions to this volume address issues covering the basics of doing sign acquisition research, the use of assessment tools, problems of transcription, analyzing narratives and carrying out interaction studies.
Curriculum and Assessment is the first volume of the a new series International Perspectives on Curriculum. This edited book examines the relationship between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, and, as with subsequent volumes, adopts a cross-sector and comparative approach. Contributors make reference to a number of important debates in the fields of curriculum and assessment: summative versus formative assessment; differentiation versus inclusion; psychometric versus holistic theorising; decontextualised versus contextualised assessment; symbol-processing versus situated learning approaches; integrated versus connected assessment; and high stakes versus low stakes assessment.
A complete assessment tool for investigating maths difficulties in children, this book also provides advice for implementing the findings into teaching plans. Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability involving difficulty in acquiring numeracy skills. A significant group of children fail to progress beyond counting in ones; they cannot calculate efficiently or learn their tables. This assessment tool is designed to explore which aspects of numeracy the child is struggling to acquire.
Academic Skills Problems, Fourth Edition: Direct Assessment and Intervention
This popular practitioner guide and text presents an effective, problem-solving-based approach to evaluating and remediating academic skills problems. Leading authority Edward S. Shapiro provides practical strategies for working with students across all grade levels (K–12) who are struggling with reading, spelling, written language, or math. Step-by-step guidelines are detailed for assessing students' learning and their instructional environment, using the data to design instructional modifications, and monitoring student progress. The research base for the approach is accessibly summarized. The companion workbook, available separately, contains practice exercises and reproducible forms.