A male homicide victim with a shotgun blast to the chest. A female drug addict who has overdosed on crack cocaine. An elderly woman with deep stab wounds to the neck. A two-year-old motor vehicle accident victim with blunt head trauma. For forensic pathologists, police detectives, and crime scene investigators, dealing with death and injury is a daily routine. But even after investigating thousands of drownings, shootings, stabbings, electrocutions, overdoses, and traffic accidents, most professionals in the investigative fields still haven't seen it all.
The authors' constant interactions with medical students in the classroom, on the hospital ward, and in oral examinations ever since this pocket atlas first appeared in English 2001 have enabled them to update both the text and the illustrations for this new English edition. Like its predecessor, the 2nd edition provides a concise, thorough and up-to-date introduction to the field of ophthalmology.
The Color Atlas of Human Poisoning and Envenoming is the only full-color resource available for the immediate visual association and the rapid identification of envenoming species, resultant lesions, clinical outcomes of envenoming or poisoning, and recommended treatment strategies to limit toxic exposures and injuries. With no-nonsense, bulleted text, tables, figure legends, and diagrams, this atlas provides an immediate reference for use in emergency differential diagnosis.
Featuring 450 large full-color illustrations, this comprehensive atlas shows how more than 200 disorders can disrupt the human body's equilibrium. It is designed to help healthcare professionals visualize disease processes, understand the rationales for clinical interventions, and explain to patients how diseases develop and progress.
This comprehensive atlas of tracings of polysomnographic studies covers the technical aspects of conducting studies, and includes the features of the various adult and pediatric sleep disorders.
* Comprehensive and contemporary atlas
* Discusses the significance of findings and their correlation with the clinical presentation of the patient