English for Marketing & Advertising is part of the EXPRESS SERIES. It is the ideal quick course for marketing & advertising professionals who need to communicate confidently and effectively in English. It can be used to supplement a regular coursebook, on its own, as a stand-alone intensive specialist course of for self-study. Updated 20 December 2008: audio added
Penguin Graded Readers (Level 3) Version of the book and movie of the same name. This book is level 3 and includes the teachers notes. Please share audio if you have it.
Продолжение курса "English Together" - одного из самых популярных курсов английского языка издательcтва "Longman" для детей младшего школьного возраста. Учебник для детей 7-10 лет, 60-70 часов для Всех тех, кто. может провести каникулы вместе с ребенком.
Continuation of course "English Together" - one of the most popular courses of English course for primary school-age children. The textbook for children 7-10 years, 60-70 hours. ENGLISH ONLY
Read and understand the orientation to the new TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Take a model pretest and check the answers and examples to pinpoint your weaknesses Design your personal study plan for success. Use this book’s review chapters to improve your skills.Take the model progress test from the book or from the CD-ROM. Review the answers, examples, and explanations for all test questions. AUDIO by Thrakatak
Edited by: Maria - 25 December 2008
Reason: Audio Added! ==by Thrakatak / reduced version deleted by Pumukl