The English You Need For The Office Following a picture process dictionary approach The English You Need for the Office introduces vocabulary for talking about 56 daily office activities, focusing on verbs as the main building blocks for communication.
The English You Need For The Office includes helpful appendices, conversational material for each chapter, “My Way” process templates, and an audio CD with spoken captions and dialogue from each picture. To complement the dictionary, a Multi-skills Activity Book with audio CD is also available.
Прекрасная иллюстрированная коллекция традиционных английских песенок для самых маленьких учеников.
Книга сопровождается аудио-кассетой.
Издательство : OUP
A beautiful illustrated collection of traditional songs for young learners of English.
A cassette is available to accompany the book.
Audio file format: mp3
Duration: 50 min
Text file format: pdf
Basic English skills are essential for U.S. immigrants. In this multimedia audio, video, and print package, Living Language utilizes a proven 1-2-3 approach for learning to speak, read, and write in English. The series consists of three thematic programs. Everyday Life teaches basic communication skills, from asking for directions to opening a bank account.