Added by: Daniel | Karma: 179.00 | Black Hole | 4 January 2012
Academic Connections 2
Academic Connections 2 builds skills for academic study as well as for standardized tests such as TOEFL iBT. Academic Connections was developed with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is based on extensive research into the actual language demands of higher education.
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Sodor's newest star, Flynn the fire engine, arrives just in time to help Percy put out a fire and save Thomas. Little boys ages 3-6 will thrill to this Step 1 SIR based on the newest Thomas & Friends.
The purpose of this book is to provide a series of techniques which will be of real practical value to petrophysicists in their day-to-day jobs. These are based on my experience from many years working in oil companies.
Roar! It's not bad enough that Mom and Dad are heading to California, leaving Judy and Stink with Aunt Awful (er, Opal), but now Judy's two best friends are going Splitsville, too. Just when it looks like her summer is going to be BOR-ing - eureka! - Judy comes up with the most thrill-a-delic plan ever. Get ready for a race involving tightrope walking, Scream Monster riding, and way more! Add in a treasure hunt for Judy's teacher, a midnight stakeout, a runaway ice-cream truck, and a dash of Bigfoot, and what have you got? The Judy Moodiest summer ever! Based on the screenplay by Kathy Waugh and Megan McDonald. Features full-color stills from the movie.
Logic and Humour in the Fabliaux - An Essay in Applied Narratology
Joseph Bédier's 1893 definition of the fabliaux as 'funny stories in verse' is still widely accepted as the best brief and general description for a heterogeneous collection of texts. But the heterogeneity creates difficulties and at the periphery of the canon all three of the criteria included in Bédier's definition are open to question. The inventory proposed in the current study is based on a new structural definition, a conjointure, akin to that of romance, combining a logical episteme with a rhetorical narreme.