In this forceful manifesto Professor E. D. Hirsch, Jr., argues that children in the United States are being deprived of the basic knowledge that would enable them to function in contemporary society. They lack cultural literacy: a grasp of background information that writers and speakers assume their audience already has. Thus even if a student has a basic competence in the English language, he or she has little chance of entering the American mainstream without knowing what a silicon chip is or when the Civil War was fought.
English grammar is a set of rules that describe the structure of the language. We use grammar all the time when we speak or write. The study of grammar is necessary for the correct use of the English language; especially, the written language since the written language is more formal than the spoken language.
A set of original papers used in the official state examination for the secondary school graduates. Contains all types of worksheets for new and old exam versions: basic, extended, and bilingual. Keys and scripts included. No audio published so far.
This blueprint to acing the essay uses real-life situations, exam approximated experiences, simulated practices, humor, and examples from various subject areas to define exactly what comprises a first-rate AP essay. It also presents the four modes of discourse, explaining how each is used on the AP essay portion of the exam, and examines the basic rhetorical strategies and techniques with samples and practice activities.
Настоящее пособие предназначается для лиц, продолжающих изучение английского языка с помощью преподавателя или самостоятельно, а также в кружках и на семинарах и активно усвоивших 1000—1200 слов и основы грамматики (образование множественного числа существительных, местоимения, степени сравнения прилагательных, неперфектные формы глагола общего и продолженного вида— Indefinite и Continuous Tenses, прямая и косвенная речь).