American Spa is dedicated to helping spa professionals better their businesses. We provide spa owners and managers with inside information and trends on everything from the bottom line to wellness. Through the use of evocative photographs and an elegant design, we build a community by taking our readers deep inside the spa world.
Essentials - the UK's most useful magazine. Packed with hundreds of useful tips and ideas on beauty, fashion, home and wellbeing you'll be wanting to keep this on file! Every month, a 32-page special section of the magazine is dedicated to great 'How to Advice' for your life. Fabulous easy recipes, step by step beauty, simple style tips for your home etc.
At Body+Soul, we believe that possibilities always outdistance limitations. We know that "yes" is more powerful than "no" and that cultivating your soul is as important as caring for your body. We believe anyone can create a life of beauty, deep satisfaction, and radiant good health...