"With Jim Champy's well-proven gift for keen management analysis, today's essential notions of business transparency, channel and customer alignment, and enduring cultural values become palpable, memorable, and--most important--usable.
"Ralph Roberts is a dedicated and passionate professional. He lives by the words he writes." -Danielle Kennedy, speaker and author of How to List and Sell Real Estate, Double Your Income in Real Estate Sales, and workingmoms.calm "Roberts has tapped into much more than selling. This book is a great instrument for the business community. It details how to become successful in life regardless of the challenges. Ralph is teaching us how to make certain that we are well organized, focused, and on target.
Linda Dorn and Carla Soffos describe the process of comprehension as a reflection of the mind—a window into the reader's thoughts. In Teaching for Deep Comprehension they discuss comprehension from a socio-cognitive perspective — specifically, how teachers can use the social context of reading workshop to promote deep comprehension. The book is framed around three guiding questions:
Can comprehension be taught?
How does a model become a barrier to comprehension?
This FabJob guide focuses on information that is difficult to find elsewhere – how to get hired as an interior decorator. However, if you also want to learn interior decorating, this guide can save you many hours of research time, because it includes step-by-step interior decorating instructions.