Eye Movements
Eye-movement recording has become the method of
choice in a wide variety of disciplines investigating how the mind and
brain work. This volume brings together recent, high-quality
eye-movement research from many different disciplines and, in doing so,
presents a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in
eye-movement research.
Sections include the history of
eye-movement research, physiological and clinical studies of eye
movements, transsaccadic integration, computational modelling of eye
movements, reading, spoken language processing, attention and scene
perception, and eye-movements in natural environments.
* Includes recent research from a variety of disciplines
* Divided into sections based on topic areas, with an overview chapter beginning each section
Through the study of eye movements we can learn about the human mind,
and eye movement recording has become the method of choice in many
Groovy Geometry: Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun
Added by: cumartesileri | Karma: 114.83 | Fiction literature | 26 June 2007
Groovy Geometry: Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun
By Lynette Long
Don't Just Learn Geometry...Master It!
Brimming with fun and educational games and activities, the Magical Math series provides everything you need to know to become a master of mathematics! In each of these books, Lynette Long uses her unique style to help you truly understand mathematical concepts as you use common objects such as playing cards, dice, coins, and every mathematician's basic tools: paper and pencil.
Inside Groovy Geometry, you'll find all the geometry basics, plus information on how to figure out the height of any object from its shadow, find distances "as the crow flies," estimate the area of any space, and much more. While you play the Name Game and Rectangle Race, you'll learn how to draw, measure, and identify different kinds of angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals. And with fun activities like Bull's Eye and Pizza Party, you'll practice plotting coordinate points on a graph and measuring the area and diameter of a circle. Most important, you'll have a great time doing it!
So why wait? Jump right in and find out how easy it is to become a mathematics master!
After the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, many people questioned why no one had anticipated the terrorists' acts, even when events and intelligence seemed to point toward them. John Barell wonders if the attacks speak to a greater societal problem of complacency. He believes many students have become too passive in their learning, accepting information and 'facts' as presented in textbooks, classes, and the media. Drawing on anecdotes from educators and his own life, Barell describes practical strategies to spur students' ability and willingness to pose and answer their own questions. Antarctica expeditions, outer space discoveries, dinosaur fossils, ...