Cracking the AP Biology Exam, 2012 Edition (College Test Preparation)
Cracking the AP Biology Exam, 2012 Edition, has been optimized for e-reader viewing with cross-linked questions, answers, and explanations, and includes:
24 absorbing lectures by award-winning Professor Frederick Gregory — introduces you to the remarkable story of Darwin's ideas, how scientists and religious leaders reacted to them, and the sea of change in human thought that resulted.Perhaps more than any other idea in science, Darwin's theory of natural selection shows how a strikingly original concept can break the bounds of its discipline to influence society at large—in religion, politics, philosophy, and other spheres.
Anthropology: The Human Challenge, 13 edition (2011)
This book offers a comprehensive and balanced presentation on views of human culture, evolution, and prehistory. The text presents the principles and processes of anthropology, both physical (biological) and cultural, including ethnology, linguistics, and prehistoric archaeology in an integrated, holistic manner. The book's framework emphasizing the challenge of human survival, the connections between biology and culture, and the impact of globalization on peoples and cultures around the world, serves to unify the material.