As the UK’s best selling military history title, Britain at War is dedicated in exploring every aspect of Britain’s involvement in conflicts from the turn of the 20th century through to modern day. From World War I to the Falklands, World War II to Iraq, readers are able to relive decisive moments in Britain’s history through fascinating insight combined with rare and previously unseen photography.
Have you ever wondered where the best places to go are to see leaping salmon, rutting deer, diving gannets, breaching whales or bluebell woods in full bloom? The British Isles are home to some of the richest and most varied wildlife to be found in Europe, and knowing when and where to go is the key to seeing Britain's natural beauty at its very best.
With over 2,000 miles of navigable waterway in the UK, Britain's Canals are an asset to be treasured by everyone. Nick Corble has written an accessible guide which will help you get the best out of a visit or a boating holiday on the canal network. Whether your interest lies in the history, the flora and fauna to be found along the towpath, or even the types of boats and their decoration, there is enough in Britain's Canals: A Handbook to inform and entertain.
A Companion to the British and Irish Short Story provides a comprehensive treatment of short fiction writing and chronicles its development in Britain and Ireland from 1880 to the present. Provides a comprehensive treatment of the short story in Britain and Ireland as it developed over the period 1880 to the present Includes essays on topics and genres, as well as on individual texts and authors Comprises chapters on women s writing, Irish fiction, gay and lesbian writing, and short fiction by immigrants to Britain
As of the 9th of September 2015, Queen Elizabeth II will be the longest reigning monarch Britain has ever had. In that time, Elizabeth has been a pillar of strength and consistency for Britain in one of the country s most tumultuous periods. Britain is rising from the ashes of the Second World War, the Empire is twitching through its death throes, and the following decades are to see major social and political upheaval as Britain faces the challenges of the 20th century. There can be no question, Elizabeth is Britain s greatest monarch, and we hope that you enjoy this intimate visual portrait of her exceptional life...and here s to the next 63!