NTC's Thematic Dictionary of American Idioms for BabylonNTC's Thematic Dictionary of American Idioms contains more than 5,500 of the most common and useful idioms arranged conveniently by theme, topic, or meaning. This work combines the best features of a thesaurus and a dictionary. Its features include a definition of each idiom that includes at least two examples of usage, an alphabetical index for locating each idiom, and an easy-to-read format with a minimum of abbreviations and symbols. NTC's Thematic Dictionary of American Idioms is an invaluable tool that allows writers, speakers, and students of English to locate the exact idiomatic expressions they need quickly and easily.
The first edition of The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia was published from 1889 to 1891 by The Century Company of New York. It was edited by Sanskrit scholar and linguist William Dwight Whitney, with Benjamin Eli Smith's assistance. After Whitney's death in 1894, supplementary volumes were published under Smith's supervision, including, The Century Cyclopedia of Names (1894) and The Century Atlas (1897). A two-volume Supplement of new vocabulary, published in 1909, completed the dictionary.