Artists learn every aspect of silk painting, including setting up a workspace, necessary materials and fabrics, and specific silk painting techniques. You'll find thorough, inspirational instruction, illustrated through hundreds of beautiful photographs, as well as a 'problems-solutions' section for common pitfalls you may encounter when painting.
God's creation, we have found, has a better picture and better sound. And worlds of wonder all around! Mama Bear pulls the plug on TV and the Bear cubs are upset! What are they going to do now? All it takes is a peek outside for Brother and Sister to see that God has given them a beautiful world that is far more fun than the TV screen.
Born to Be a Butterfly (Level 1 - Beginning to Read)
Born to Be a Butterfly follows the life cycle of a caterpillar as it transforms into a beautiful butterfly. In Born to Be a Butterfly, children will witness the magical transformation as a newly hatched caterpillar becomes a beautiful Red Admiral Butterfly. For children who are just beginning to read and who have a limited vocabulary, these 32-page Level 1 books-about everything from tadpoles to puppies-use word repetition and simple sentences to convey meaning. Picture dictionary boxes with word labels "show" the meanings of words. These books contain between 400 and 450 words each, and they are 80 percent pictures and 20 percent text.
The glittering fortunes of the Massot family, vastly wealthy owners of the last great aristocratic jewellery firms in Paris, were plunged into confusion seven years ago by the disappearance of Pierre Massot, its charismatic head. Now, his beautiful young wife Sophie has decided that the family and the firm must move on to survive. But some people have other ideas...
It is 1968. Lynnie, a young white woman with a developmental disability, and Homan, an African American deaf man, are locked away in an institution, the School for the Incurable and Feebleminded, and have been left to languish, forgotten. Deeply in love, they escape, and find refuge in the farmhouse of Martha, a retired schoolteacher and widow. But the couple is not alone-Lynnie has just given birth to a baby girl. When the authorities catch up to them that same night, Homan escapes into the darkness, and Lynnie is caught. But before she is forced back into the institution, she whispers two words to Martha: "Hide her."