Beauty and the Beast (Green Apple Starter)A rich man suddenly becomes poor and he goes to live in the country with his children. One day he goes to the city on business. His daughters Rosalind and Hortensia ask him for expensive presents, but his other daughter, Beauty, only wants a rose.
On his way back the man takes a rose from the garden of a castle. But the owner of the castle, a beast, becomes angry and demands something in exchange…
Series: Green Apple | Level: Starter | Exam: ket trinity
The Snow Goose and Other Stories (Active Reading-Level 3)
The Snow Goose’ is the most famous of these three stories by Paul Gallico. It is the story of Philip, a lonely painter who lives in an old lighthouse, and Fritha, a young girl who brings him a large white bird – the snow goose. It becomes a special bird in Philip’s life – and later the girl becomes special too.
Added by: snwwte | Karma: 3109.25 | Fiction literature | 24 December 2014
Stephen King - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Somewhere in New England, nine-year-old Trisha gets lost in the woods while on a walk with her family. Her only comforts are the radio broadcasts of Boston Red Sox games featuring her favorite player, closing pitcher Tom Gordon. Lonely, frightened, starving, and cold, Gordon becomes Trisha's imaginary companion - and the key to her survival against an unidentified someone leaving death and destruction in its wake.
Жизнь владелицы кафе Ханны Свенсен полна противоречий. Она печет потрясающее печенье, но сидит на диете. У нее самая мирная профессия, но отнюдь не безопасное хобби: эта милая рыжеволосая любительница головоломок лихо расследует загадочные преступления.
B романе Джоанны Флюк найдется место и приключениям, и рецептам.
Hannah Swensen and her bakery, The Cookie Jar, bask in the glow of Hollywood glamour when Main Street becomes a movie set. And although tensions simmer as the cameras roll, no one expects the action to turn deadly... until it's too late....
The investigation of LaShawn Tompkins's murder seems straightforward enough. Upon his release from death row, the ex-drug dealer returned to his old neighborhood, where he was gunned down on his mother's doorstep. Just another case of turf warfare. At least that's what it looks like on the surface to Seattle investigator J. P. Beaumont, who's been handed the assignment under the strictest confidence. But as Beau starts digging, the situation becomes more complicated than he'd thought.