'Suddenly, there was a high voice screaming in the darkness: "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!" It was Long John Silver's parrot, Captain Flint! I turned to run . . .' But young Jim Hawkins does not escape from the pirates this time. Will he and his friends find the treasure before the pirates do? Will they escape from the island, and sail back to England with a ship full of gold?
Features the wisecracking female PI Kinsey Millhone. Lorna Kepler was beautiful and wilful, a loner who couldn't resist flirting with danger. The police cannot establish neither motive nor suspect for her death. So before Kinsey can expose a murderer, she must prove murder. REUPLOAD NEEDED
With no end to the global debt crisis in sight and the American economy sinking into depression, traditional advice on money could lead millions of innocent victims down the road of deepening losses. But with this timely audiobook, Martin Weiss will guide you to the truly safe havens and show you how to turn this crisis into a unique wealth-building opportunity. As Editor of the Safe Money Report and author of Crash Profits, Martin Weiss specifically warned of this crisis well before it began.
Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M. is the first ever complete account of the making of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. With a cast of characters including Truman Capote, Edith Head, director Blake Edwards, and, of course, Hepburn herself, Wasson immerses us in the America of the late fifties, before Woodstock and birth control, when a not-so-virginal girl by the name of Holly Golightly raised eyebrows across the nation, changing fashion, film, and sex, for good. With delicious prose and considerable wit, Breakfast at Tiffany's is presented as we have never seen it before—through the eyes of those who made it.