Design for a Life: How Behavior and Personality Develop
How is it possible for each of 6 billion human beings to be unique? How does each of us grow up to be the person we are? How do behavior and personality develop? In this wonderfully readable book, two distinguished scientists explain how biology and psychology join to shape the behavior of individual human beings. They counter the mistaken notion that science has discovered individual genes that determine certain personality traits; instead, they explain what role genes actually play in the formation of personality.
The authors of this comprehensive text discuss the root causes of disruptive behavior, tackle assessment issues and develop effective intervention strategies that will be of practical use to teachers and other educators. While theroising behavior managment from a range of perspective: psychodynamic, behavioral and scio-cultural, the authors remain firmly focussed on practical issues of policy making, assessment and intervention and addtress a wide range of related isssues, such as: policy in relation to behavior in school at local, national and international level;...
This fully updated second edition of Troublesome Behaviour in the Classroom is the most comprehensive and practical guide available on the subject of behavior management in schools.
Dynamical Systems: Stability, Controllability and Chaotic Behavior
At the end of the nineteenth century Lyapunov and Poincaré developed the so called qualitative theory of differential equations and introduced geometric- topological considerations which have led to the concept of dynamical systems. In its present abstract form this concept goes back to G.D. Birkhoff.
Obesity Prevention: The Role of Brain and Society on Individual Behavior
Over the years, approaches to obesity prevention and treatment have gone from focusing on genetic and other biological factors to exploring a diversity of diets and individual behavior modification interventions anchored primarily in the power of the mind, to the recent shift focusing on societal interventions to design "temptation-proof" physical, social, and economic environments.