New Scientist is the world's leading science and technology weekly magazine. With the latest news and developments, in-depth articles, cogent analysis and informed, entertaining comment, New Scientist is essential reading if you really want to get behind the headlines. Every issue advertises hundreds of jobs in science from all around the world.
Focus on Realistic Glass: Still Life Studies Volume III
Do your still lifes lack that final sparkle that glass and proper shines add? This book will show how to create clear and coloured glass, water drops, shines and the light theory behind it all!
Many rumors abound about a mysterious gentleman said to be the love of Jane's life—finally, the truth may have been found. . . . What if, hidden in an old attic chest, Jane Austen's memoirs were discovered after hundreds of years? What if those pages revealed the untold story of a life-changing love affair? That's the premise behind this spellbinding novel, which delves into the secrets of Jane Austen's life, giving us untold insights into her mind and heart.
Without the daring, courageous, and innovative thinkers the past, life as we know it would be completely different; Planes, trains, and automobiles would never have been invented; Earth would be considered the center of the universe; and strep throat, polio, and smallpox would still be incurable diseases. Thankfully, individuals from various backgrounds and situations pushed themselves along the path of discovery and made great contributions to the scientific community, bravely initiating discoveries and broadening the minds of those around them. The "Pioneers in Science" set is a unique eight-volume collection profiling the people behind the science.
"The history of the McDonald's system is the story of an organization that learned how to harness the power of entrepreneursnot several, but hundreds of them." This work is not the story of Ray Kroc, McDonald's colorful founder, but that of all of the individuals, including the McDonald brothers, suppliers, financiers, franchisees, as well as the early employees, who made McDonald's the undisputed champion of the fast food industry. The complex financial arrangements that were necessary to McDonald's success are made clear, as is the company's commitment to quality, service, and cleanliness. This entertaining work is highly recommended for most public and academic libraries.