Between Phonology and Phonetics: Polish Voicing (Studies in Generative Grammar)
For decades, the voicing system of Polish has been at the center of a heated theoretical debate concerning laryngeal phonology as it features a number of phenomena, such as Final Obstruent Devoicing, Regressive Voice Assimilation, Progressive Voice Assimilation, dialectally distributed external sandhi voicing in pre-sonorant context, and other instances of special behaviour of sonorants, leading to interesting cases of variation.
About 3 million people visit the Alamo every year. First started as a mission to convert Native Americans to Christianity, then occupied by Spanish soldiers and becoming a place of turmoil and battle between Mexico and Texas, it is now proudly restored and stands as one of our nation s most valued symbols.
A study of discourse-functional constraints on the use of a marked syntactic construction. Argues that inversion in clauses serves an information-packaging function, linking familiar and unfamiliar information in the discourse. Demonstrates a correlation between a well-defined type of giveness and constituent position within a particular syntactic construction and sheds light on the relationship between information status and word order. Of interest to researchers in syntax and discours
Read the following sentences: There is some water in the bottle. He is fond of his daughter. He fell off the ladder. In sentence 1, the word in shows the relation between two things – water and bottle. In sentence 2, the word of shows the relation between the adjective fond and the noun daughter. In sentence 3, the word off shows the relation between the verb fell and the noun ladder...........