Her name was Killashandra Ree. And after ten grueling years of musical training, she was still without prospects. Until she heard of the mysterious Heptite Guild who could provide careers, security, and wealth beyond imagining. The problem was, few people who landed on Ballybran ever left. But to Killashandra the risks were acceptable....
VIVA Travel Guides Peru: Exploring Machu Picchu, Cusco, the Inca Trail, Arequipa, Lake Titicaca, Lima and beyond
Peru's soaring mountains, untamed jungles and wild beaches have been welcoming travelers for millennia. Visitors today will find a dynamic, exciting country that is still immersed in its past as the center of Inca civilization and Spain's New World empire. Let VIVA guide you through Peru's fascinating mix of cultures and landscapes.
Beyond the Gap (2007) is a Prehistorical Fantasy. The Glacier had been covering the northern plains forever. Only myths tell of a time before this mountain of ice. Legends also speak of a Golden Shrine -- sacred to the gods -- on the other side of the Glacier, but few believe these old tales. The Glacier had been retreating even before the founding of the old Raumsdalian Empire. Over the centuries, a gap in the great Glacier has been extending further north.
When Jacobia "Jake" Tiptree left behind her high-powered, high-risk career on Wall Street for the charming town of Eastport, Maine, she expected a quiet life spent fixing up her 1823 Federal-style house. But there are skeletons in her closet that may prove beyond repair...Suddenly the perils of the stock market pale in comparison to the murder, mayhem, and mystery of remodeling.
Atoms in Chemistry: From Dalton's Predecessors to Complex Atoms and Beyond
"Atoms in Chemistry: From Dalton's Predecessors to Complex Atoms and Beyond" - the 1044th volume of the ACS Symposium Series contains presentations from a symposium titled "200 Years of Atoms in Chemistry: From Dalton's Atoms to Nanotechnology," held at the 236th national meeting of ACS in Philadelphia in August 2008.