Biological Adhesive Systems: From Nature to Technical and Medical Application
There is a growing need for new adhesives for technical and medical applications! The nature uses adhesion in a host of ways and we can learn a great deal from this. Adhesive systems of potential interest need to be thoroughly analyzed and the common underlying principles and unique features of natural adhesives have to be understood.
The Art Of Changing The Brain - Enriching The Practice Of Teaching By Exploring The Biology Of Learning
Neuroscience tells us that the products of the mind -- thought, emotions, artistic creation -- are the result of the interactions of the biological brain with our senses and the physical world: in short, that thinking and learning are the products of a biological process. This realisation, that learning actually alters the brain by changing the number and strength of synapses, offers a powerful foundation for rethinking teaching practice and one's philosophy of teaching.
Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime
MUST WE AGE? A long life in a healthy, vigorous, youthful body has always been one of humanity’s greatest dreams. Recent progress in genetic manipulations and calorie-restricted diets in laboratory animals hold forth the promise that someday science will enable us to exert total control over our own biological aging.
In reviewing introductory texts available to criminologists, one is left with the impression that biological factors are irrelevant to the formulation of criminal behavior.
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 17 October 2010
Biological Science with MasteringBiology
This pioneering book combines research-focused storytelling with the Socratic method to get students to think like practicing scientists. Each page of the book is designed in the spirit of active learning, asking students to apply critical thinking skills as they learn key concepts. Accounts of real researchers designing and analyzing real experiments, carefully punctuated by thoughtful questions and exercises, train introductory students in the process of DOING biology.