This lively guide introduces the key hand shapes and gestures you need to communicate in British Sign Language. The illustrations depict both the actions and facial expressions used to sign accurately, while the companion CD-Rom features real-life BSL conversations in action to further your understanding. With these practical tools, you’ll become an expert signer in no time!
A supplementary booklet for "Opportunities" course. Ranges from elementary to upper intermediate level. Focuses on presenting elements of British and American culture. The main topic of this edition is the European Union.
This dictionary is intended to clarify the world of British education mainly by providing an alphabetical list of educational terms, but also by giving historical background to developments where appropriate, and showing connections between some individual terms. In addition, the dictionary itself is preceded by an introduction to British education as a whole, and discusses some of the key differences between England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The book concludes with an up-to-date explanatory list of acronyms and initials.
The very Best of British:The American's guide to speaking British The seven sections in this book contain over 1000 words and expressions that differ in their usage between the US and the UK.This book was collected and printed through the internet, Mr. Doody had just introduced it.
This reference profiles 800 British poets, novelists, playwrights, essayists, and other writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, from the early romantic poets to contemporary novelists born in distant parts of the former British empire.