Word Family Cards makes learning the basics fun. Reading research proves there are thirty-seven essential rimes (phonograms) children must learn. These common spelling patterns allow children to read and spell over five hundred words. Skilled readers decode words quickly. Rereading word family words helps children gain confidence and read fluently. These 37 large, ready-to-read word family cards can be used as flash cards to reinforce the word families such as ack, ail, ake, ale, ame, an, ank, ap, and so on.
Use in class to present grammatical structures by sticking the cards onto the board or to give your students further practice the cards can be passed around the class.
Комплект состоит из 32 дидактических карточек, с помощью которых родители, воспитатели и учителя смогут научить ребенка английскому алфавиту и правильному произношению звуков. В набор также входят карточки с названиями основных цветов на английском языке. Для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста