Fair Pay, Fair Play: Aligning Executive Performance and Pay
A timely look at how to evaluate and determine executive pay Recognized as the leading expert on executive compensation, Robin Ferracone combines her own 20 years of experience with interviews with executives and compensation committees to provide a clear examination of and guidance on determining pay packages, actions, and designs. and Over the past 25 years, the author has created a database of executive pay across 44,000 companies, broken down by company performance, company revenue and industry.
This book is intended for young teenage students of English as a foreign language.
A series of adventure readers for young teenage learners of the English language, featuring a puzzle on each double page spread, which the reader must solve before continuing with the story. Students need to use their powers of perception and deduction, as well as clues in the text.
"Sarah has just got a job at Cloud Company. But one day when she goes to the office, Cloud Company has vanished! A strange series of occurrences leads her to a haunted farmhouse."
Fast Company Magazine: Catch up with the groundbreaking pacesetters and innovative ideas that make the business world take off. Learn what makes businesses succeed. Find out how the best are thriving and how you can too. Fast Company is not your average conservative business magazine - its business with an edge.
The New HR Analytics: Predicting the Economic Value of Your Company's Human Capital Investments
In his landmark book, "The ROI of Human Capital", Jac Fitz-enz presented a system of powerful metrics for quantifying the contributions of individual employees to a company's bottom line. "The New HR Analytics" is another such quantum leap, revealing how to predict the value of future human capital investments. Using Fitz-enz's proprietary analytic model, readers learn how to measure and evaluate past and current returns.
The Right Phrase for Every Situation . . . Every Time! Clearly crafted company announcements—both internal and external—are critically important for your company’s day-to-day operations. Perfect Phrases for Writing Company Announcements has hundreds of ready-to-use phrases suitable for any announcement, regardless of the situation or scenario. Learn the most effective language for: