First Aid for the Orthopaedic Boards, Second Edition (FIRST AID Specialty Boards) By Robert Malinzak, Mark Albritton, Trevor Pickering
* Number Of Pages: 260 * Publication Date: 2009-01-05
Product Description: THE INSIDER'S GUIDE TO ACING THE OITE and ORTHOPAEDIC BOARDS First Aid for the® Orthopaedic Boards is a concise, up-to-date review of frequently-tested, must-know topics for the in-service exam (OITE) and the orthopaedic boards.
Now in its Sixth Edition, BRS Gross Anatomy is a primary course review and textbook for medical students in first-year anatomy courses. Written in concise, bulleted outline format, this text offers USMLE-style questions with answers
The new edition of this practical guide draws on the clinical skills of a wide range of international experts to help you recognize and manage heart disease in pregnancy. Designed for on-the-spot use, this convenient and concise text helps you identify a cardiac problem, understand its pathophysiology, and respond appropriately.
This essential manual brings together important management guidelines for Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, and Gynecology in one compact book. It is a concise and complete overview of Family Practice
Eighth Edition (1990: The Concise O. Dictionary of Current English. Being computer-based, this edition changed the original structure to a large extent. Concise O. English Dictionary is probably the best-known of the 'smaller' O. dictionaries. It was started as a derivative of the O. English Dictionary (OED), although section S–Z had to be written before the O. English Dictionary reached that stage.