Audiovisual Translation - Language Transfer on Screen
This book is an introduction by leading experts in the field to the fascinating subject of translating audiovisual programs for the television, the cinema, the Internet and the stage and the problems the differences between cultures can cause.
Writing Around the World: A Guide To Writing Across Cultures
Cultures use different writing strategies because they strive for different goals. Some cultures rely on writer responsibility while other cultures rely on reader responsibility. Writer responsibility emphasizes clear and concise prose, actions over subjects, practical implications, and follows a deductive logical structure. The latter emphasizes flowery prose, subjects instead of actions, theoretical implications, and follows an inductive logical structure. The differences between both responsibilities help explain why some cultures prefer clarity when other cultures prefer complexity. The problem is that both writing styles are perfectly acceptable, but only within their given context.
Added by: Yekaterina | Karma: 84.97 | Black Hole | 5 January 2011
Foreign Policy - January/February 2011
FOREIGN POLICY is the premier, award-winning magazine of global politics, economics, and ideas. Our mission is to explain how the world works - in particular, how the process of global integration is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives.
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Added by: Yekaterina | Karma: 84.97 | Black Hole | 2 December 2010
Foreign Policy - December 2010
FOREIGN POLICY is the premier, award-winning magazine of global politics, economics, and ideas. Our mission is to explain how the world works - in particular, how the process of global integration is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives.
Dear User, your publication has been rejected because WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS SORT OF MATERIALS at We only allow educatinal materials that have a clear connection to learning or teaching English. Note: if you're trying to share a movie, TV series or a cartoon with English subtitles, you can post the links in our Forum. We do not accept such materials on the main site. Thank you
U X L Encyclopedia of World Mythology (Volumes1-5)
Like other exemplary encyclopedia publications, each volume in this set exploring world mythology contains the entire set’s table of contents and index, making for ease of access. Also standard is a plethora of additional enrichment content such as activities and time lines. In A–Z format, the set provides more than 300 entries for five content areas: characters, deities, myths, themes, and cultures. This five-volume set brings clarity out of confusion for the middle and high school student studying world mythology. The 300 A-to-Z entries from 40-plus cultures are grouped into five categories (character, deity, myth, theme, and culture)