The Psychology of Winning for the 21st Century written and told by Denis Waitley is the first cassette in this two cassette pack.
Time is the only resource or gift distributed equally to everyone while they are alive. How you spend your time is far more importatnt than all the material possessions you may own. Dr. Waitley explains how the new millennium gives us new opportunities to evaluate what we have done in the past and what we wish to accomplish in the future. This audio provides a unique perspective on what it takes to win in the future.
Starter English for school students (SB, WB, SB cassette, WB cassette)
Interesting topics that make pupils want to learn - enjoyable activities to encourage students to take part in class - content with strong links across the school curriculum, making the material relevant and helping to build students' confidence.
Added by: monicablt | Karma: 3185.68 | Exam Materials » YLE | 22 December 2009
YLE Starters Tests 4 SB+TB+Audio
CEF: A1 Level: YLE Starters
These practice tests from ESOL are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7-12. They provide the first step towards the ESOL main suite exams (eg KET, PET, and FCE). There are 3 sets of tests for each of the 3 levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers.Each set contains 3 full-colour tests, an audio cassette / CD, and an answer booklet. This is the second edition of Young Learners English Tests 4 and is suitable for use with the new 2007 syllabus.
This is the first book in the Headway series, but it was published somewhat as an after thought. It really is an excellent book for adults wishing to begin learning English as a foreign language. It presumes no prior knowledge of the language, but it does make use of all those "recent" words such as "radio" or "cassette" that most students are familiar with. It is a very good classroom book, with whole class work as well as small group activities, and the workbook provides useful back-up. PDF version added by Englishcology