Challenges is the new course for teenagers which gives them everything they need to be successful in learning English. Challenges provides Coursebooks that can be completed in one year, giving students a clear sense of progress Informative and engaging topics that involve teenagers in their learning Unique features include word building, text building and sentence patterns Characters that promote positive values and use real spoken language. Activities for building learner strategies for independent learning Magazine at the back of the Students Book to support mixed ability classes Strong grammar and skills sections give students confidence in using the language
According to bestselling author Whitley Strieber, his contact with strange aliens did not end with the release of his controversial book, Communion. Instead, the "visitors" kept coming. In Transformation, Strieber challenges his own fear for a triumphant breakthrough in understanding.
Historians of theatre face the same temptations and challenges as other historians: they negotiate assumptions (their own and those of others) about national identity and national character; they decide what events and actors to highlight—or omit—and what framework and perspective to use for telling the story. Personal biases, trends in scholarship, and sociopolitical contexts influence all histories; and theatre histories, too, are often revised to reflect changing times and interests. This significant collection examines the problems and challenges of formulating national theatre histories.
Challenges Galore: Vocabulary Building Puzzles Grades 5-8+
The purpose of this activity book is to provide teachers and students with a wide range of challenging and motivational vocabulary activities that are different and fun to do. These activities are intended to be used by themselves or to complement existing language programs by providing activities that win require students to work independently or with a partner to problem solve, learn and apply strategies, think and have fun.
Pains and Gains of International Mobility in Teacher Education
The book focuses on the pains and gains of international mobility in teacher education - its challenges and benefits. The aim is on the one hand to identify some of the challenges which help to explain the low percentage of internationally orientated teacher education students and suggest how to overcome them. On the other hand, major benefits of international mobility in teacher education are presented in the form of competences that can be acquired through studying and teaching abroad.