"Relativity" is a concept rooted in the tension between appearance and reality, and it reaches far back in history. Heraclitus argued that only change is real; Parmenides argued that change is impossible, and his follower Zeno invented paradoxes illustrating many of the problems in concepts like space, time, and infinity. Protagoras even argued that there is no single, correct view of reality, but that reality for any person is precisely as in seems to that person. In his words, "Man is the measure of all things".
He's Got Potential: A Field Guide to Shy Guys, Bad Boys, Intellectuals, Cheaters, and Everything in Between
Okay, so he's not perfect, but does your man have potential? This book has the answers to the question: does your man have Prince Charming potential? Learn how to bring out the best of what he's got?or not! This book will help you discover whether he's a diamond in the rough or just a lump of coal.
Neanderthals and Modern Humans, first published in 2004, develops the theme of the close relationship between climate change, ecological change and biogeographical patterns in humans during the Pleistocene. In particular, it challenges the view that Modern Human ‘superiority’ caused the extinction of the Neanderthals between 40 and 30 thousand years ago.
Punk Marketing: Get Off Your Ass and Join the Revolution
The marketing revolution is here, so get on the right side of the barricade and become a part of it! Let's thank Mr. and Mrs. Consumer and their little Consumerlings who have seized power from the corporations and are now firmly in control. In Punk Marketing, Laermer and Simmons take an irreverent, penetrating look at the seismic change in the relationship between the people who sell stuff—products, services, entertainment—and those who purchase it.
Oh, Bother! Someone's Messy! (Disney's Winnie the Pooh)
This is one of the appealing titles in a special Pooh series that addresses -- and resolves -- simple childhood problems. This time the problem is Roo's messy room. Roo thinks cleaning things up is just too much trouble. But one day his mud pies get too messy, and no one will come over to play. Roo is about to change his ways -- thanks to the help of a few loving friends.