The Last Centurion is a novel by John Ringo. It is written in "blog style" from the point of view of an US Army officer known as "Bandit Six". The Novel is set in a post apocalyptic world that has been ravaged by climate change and disease. Plot: Bandit Six, the protagonist, discusses his adventures following a withdrawal from the Middle East by US Forces in a time of chaos and disease. Themes: The novel touches on many different subjects. Although the military action is the focal point, health care, climate change, socialized medicine,disaster relief and social responsibility are also examined...
The Great Barrier Reef: Biology, Environment and Management
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is 344 400 square kilometres in size and is home to one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. This comprehensive guide describes the organisms and ecosystems of the Great Barrier Reef, as well as the biological, chemical and physical processes that influence them. Contemporary pressing issues such as climate change, coral bleaching, coral disease and the challenges of coral reef fisheries are also discussed.
Rhythmic Grammar: The Influence of Rhythm on Grammatical Variation and Change in English
This groundbreaking book highlights a phonological preference, the Principle of Rhythmic Alternation, as a factor in grammatical variation and change in English from the early modern period to the present. Though frequently overlooked in earlier research, the phonetically motivated avoidance of adjacent stresses is shown to exert an influence on a wide variety of phenomena in morphology and syntax.
There is continuing government pressure on public services to "reform". Expectations of new forms and standards of delivery, joined-up practice and the reconnection of services to users are high. Unfortunately, many policy makers have become reliant on mechanistic top-down audit and inspection regimes as the means of implementation. This book sets out to redress the balance.
"It's not just a war for talent out there, it's a war for the right talent. Cable sheds light on how managers can identify and attract the right people to turn strategy into reality." --Susan Ashford, Associate Dean for Leadership Programming and the Executive MBA Program, University of Michigan "Change to Strange takes the mystery out of the gap between strategy and strategy execution. Daniel underscores that success is dependent on the quality of your workforce, specific targets, and disciplined measurement. The book provides a useful process and a set of questions that your leadership team needs to address to create a great organization that stands above competitors.