The realms of consumption have typically been seen to be distinct from those of work and production. This book examines how contemporary rhetorics and discourses of organizational change and reform are breaking down such distinctions - with significant implications for the construction of subjectivities and identities at work.
From one of the world's most recognized experts on management comes a charming parable filled with insights designed to help readers manage change quickly and prevail in changing times.
Change can be a blessing or a curse, depending on your perspective. The message of Who Moved My Cheese? is that all can come to see it as a blessing, if they understand the nature of cheese and the role it plays in their lives. Who Moved My Cheese? is a parable that takes place in a maze.
"This is the most important book on international environmental law ever published. It will change forever the way we think about the subject. I suspect it will have a major impact on the way we teach the subject. And it should change the way people write about the subject." Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy
Facts on File Science Library - A Change in the Weather
At present, climate change is a controversial topic. A Change in the Weather, a new volume in the Dangerous Weather set, looks at climate change and its consequences with a fair, critical eye. It examines the major controversies and locates them in the broader context of the climatic changes that have taken place in the past.
A survey of 1,238 youth in grades 7-12 identified these as their top 10 concerns: drunk driving, depression and suicide, guns at school, improving schools/education, discrimination, violence in school, drugs, self-esteem, AIDS, and abuse at home.