The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments - книжные редкости
Added by: aline | Karma: 0 | --- | 1 March 2007 |
Tags: Golden, copyright, Experiments, Chemistry, before |
Derived from the world-renowned McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition, this vital reference offers a wealth of essential information in a portable, convenient, quick-find format. Whether you're a professional, a student, a writer, or a general reader with an interest in science, there is no better or more authoritative way to stay up-to-speed with the current language of chemistry or gain an understanding of its key ideas and concepts.Written in clear, simple language understandable to the general reader, yet in-depth enough for scientists, educators, and advanced students. |
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Tags: Edition, McGrawHill, Dictionary, Chemistry, language, reader, general |