Working Mother - Magazine offers practical suggestions for women who have made the decision to raise a family and pursue a career at the same time. Advice on working, child care, nutrition, fashion and career.
Working Mother Magazine offers practical suggestions for women who have made the decision to raise a family and pursue a career at the same time. Advice on working, child care, nutrition, fashion and career.
Recently there has been an increase in media attention on bullying behavior and its consequences, following on the heels of well-publicized shootings at lower level schools. Several books in the trade literature have appeared as well as guides for parents on what to do when your child is bullied, and some intervention techniques aimed at classroom teachers who may witness bullies and bullying.
The goal of this book is to present a diagnostic framework on which a learner can build his or her “databank” of diagnostic facts. The format of each systems-based chapter consists of an “Introduction,” “Physiology and Mechanics,” “Functional Anatomy,” “History,” “Physical Examination,” “Synthesizing a Diagnosis,” “Laboratory and Imaging,” and “When to Refer.” We have attempted in the “Synthesizing a Diagnosis” sections to present the material in tabular form.
Пропедевтика детских болезней на английском языке.
Every sentence we hear is instantly analyzed by an inner grammar; just as a prism refracts a beam of light, grammar divides a stream of sound, linking diverse strings of information to different domains of mind--memory, vision, emotions, intentions. In The Prism of Grammar, Tom Roeper brings the abstract principles behind modern grammar to life by exploring the astonishing intricacies of child language. Adult expressions provide endless puzzles for the child to solve.