We Can Do It 2 CD We Can Do It! takes an action-oriented approach concerned with learning language in order to achieve real-world outcomes. It gives students a clear goal for their learning and allows them to assess the extent to which they meet the goal.
The best players know that golf is a game of confidence, and most important, concentrationthe ability to focus and block out distraction. The goal of achieving clear thought is also at the heart of Buddhist teachings. In his highly original and groundbreaking book, noted PGA coach and Buddhist instructor, Dr. Joseph Parent, draws on this natural connection and teaches golfers how to clear their minds, achieve ultimate focus, and play in the moment for each shot.
Podolinsky's style is not at all didactic or 'lecture hall' instruction. With attractive personal style, he taught me the difference between stating a wish or dream, and WRITING clear goals -- goals that I'll use to measure my progress & build my successes.
The shift towards a sociolinguistic approach to the analysis of language in the last few decades has necessitated new definitions for a number of concepts that linguists have taken for granted for a long time. This volume attempts to demystify the important notions of ‘text’ and ‘context’ by providing clear definitions and examples within the assumptions of Systemic Functional (SF) linguistics.
In this international bestseller, experts Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish provide effective step by step techniques to help you improve and enrich your relationships with your children. Learn how to: - Break a pattern of arguments - Cope with negative feelings - Engage your child's cooperation - Set clear limits and maintain goodwill - Express your emotions without being hurtful - Resolve conflicts peacefully