Teens' Guide to College & Career Planning (Teen's Guide to College and Career Planning)
Teen's Guide to College & Career Planning is intended for use by students at any stage of middle and high school, but it has the most relevance for high school sophomores and juniors who are starting to get serious about the decisions they will need to make after graduation. Whether they're planning to head to a two-year or four-year college, to a technical school, to an apprenticeship, to the military, or directly into the workforce-or are still undecided-here's where they'll find information on the various options available and which ones best suits their skills, needs, and wants.
The Guide to Colleges is the most trusted source of information for college-bound students and their parents. For more than 25 years, students, parents, and guidance counselors have relied on its unbiased, straightforward reviews of the 320+ best and most interesting colleges and universities. Every student is different. So is every college. Let the Guide help you find which one is your perfect match.
Careful research as well as testimonials from real students from each college provide helpful, honest information about the academic climates and courses, along with the important social and extracurricular scenes at great schools in the United States, plus Canada and Great Britain.
The Bedford Guide for College Writers with Reader, Research Manual, and Handbook
Published: 2011
Pages: 1058
With its process-oriented rhetoric, provocative thematic reader, up-to-date research manual, and comprehensive handbook, The Bedford Guide for College Writers gives your students the tools they need to succeed as writers -- all in one book.
This book describes the aetiology, prevalence and frequency of anxiety disorders among college students. An overview of stress among students in developing countries is given, and how it may affect the emergence of certain diseases, such as cancer and diabetes. The effects of disclosure of past stressful events in students is also examined as well as the variables that point to the emotional processing of certain events. This book reviews the coping, mental health status, and current life regret in college women who differ in their lifetime pregnancy status.
Find the college that's right for you! An A–Z of admissions secrets, The Fiske Guide to Getting into the Right College takes you behind the scenes of the college application process. The expert advice and tips in this book will help you get accepted at the schools of your choice. This clear, accessible guide takes students and their parents step-by-step through the admissions process.