Even college students need to eat. How else do you expect to stay energized for early-morning classes and late-night study sessions? With The Everything College Cookbook as your guide, you can jumpstart your meal plan in minutes. Whether you're cooking for one or multitudes with a hot plate, studio stove, or microwave, you'll find everything you need to create fantastic meals that won't take tons of your time. Packed with ideas for tasty snacks, easy-to-make lunches and dinners, and delicious desserts, The Everything College Cookbook will help you eat smart, from the proverbial good breakfast to midnight munchies-but that's not nearly all.
College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization 4th Edition
Gary Rockswold teaches algebra in context, answering the question, ?€?Why am I learning this??€? By experiencing math through applications, students see how it fits into their lives, and they become motivated to succeed. Rockswold focus on conceptual understanding helps students make connections between the concepts and as a result, students see the bigger picture of math and are prepared for future courses.
COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS: AN APPLIED APPROACH, the newest addition to the Larson Applied math family, allows your students to feel confident moving from college algebra to applied calculus. The mathematical concepts and applications are consistently presented in the same tone and pedagogy. The combination of these two subjects into one text will not only save you time in your course, but it will also save your students the cost of an extra textbook.
Accessible to students and flexible for instructors, College Trigonometry, Sixth Edition, uses the dynamic link between concepts and applications to bring mathematics to life. By incorporating interactive learning techniques, the Aufmann team helps students to better understand concepts, work independently, and obtain greater mathematical fluency.
This short story is about the stressful relationship between a son and his father. The family lives in a small house in the Russian countryside. Poverty has played a toll on how the father reacts to his child's need for money to attend college. An emotional conversation ensues.