The College Admissions Process is incredibly important ... and incredibly confusing. You have probably heard countless "facts" as to what works, what colleges want to see, and how to get into competitive colleges. Don't believe the hype! Following the wrong college application myths can cost you time, money, and most important, the chance to get accepted into the school of your dreams.
Jamaica Talk - Three Hundred Years of the English Language in Jamaica
First published in 1961, Jamaica Talk is a thorough study of the English spoken in Jamaica and, although intended for the general educated reader rather than the linguistic specialist, has a foundation of sound scholarship, which makes it an authoritative classic. The late Professor Cassidy was born and reared in Jamaica and collected most of the material for his book when he was attached to the University College of the West Indies as Fulbright research fellow. There are chapters on the composition of "Jamaica talk", on pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.
Sara Linton, medical examiner in the small town of Heartsdale, is called out to an apparent suicide on the local college campus. The mutilated body provides little in the way of clues - and the college authorities are keen to avoid a scandal - but for Sara and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, things don't add up. Two more suspicious suicides follow, and a young woman is brutally attacked.
Harriet Vane travels to Oxford to attend The Gaudy, a reunion party at her fictional college of Shrewsbury. While there, she encounters two vicious letters targeting women at the college, including one referring to her murder accusation of several years earlier. A few weeks later she's called back by the Dean to investigate continuing disruptions, including many more poison pen letters, vandalism of a renovation of the library, and an electricity outage.
Written by a college admissions expert, Write Your Way into College: College Admissions Essay is designed to guide you through the most anxiety-producing part of the college application process - the personal essay. The essay is your chance to stand out from other applicants and let admissions representatives know why you’d be an asset to their school. This book provides all the practice, review, and strategies you need to write a great application essay.