Using this dictionary the words featured in this dictionary have been chosen because they can be difficult to spell. Since there is a limit to the total number of words that can be included, only words most likely to be used by the general reader or writer are given. Very few proper nouns appear and foreign terms are included only if they are in common usage. Thus, you will find words such as "chauffeur" and "debut", but not "hors combat" or "gite". A few common slang words have also been given.
Mistakes in the use of articles -Grammar short lesson -2014-
ESL students make several mistakes while writing English. Interestingly, most of these mistakes are not all that serious and can be avoided easily. Here is a quick overview of common mistakes in the use of articles.
Common Core State Standards for Grades 4-5: Language Arts Instructional Strategies and Activities is designed to help teachers teach CORE standards using research-based, effective instructional strategies in combination with ready-to-use activities. These strategies include identifying similarities and differences, writing summaries and taking notes, creating non-linguistic representations, and suggestions for homework and practice.
Common Core State Standards for Grades K-1: Language Arts Instructional Strategies and Activities is designed to help teachers teach CORE standards using research-based, effective instructional strategies in combination with ready-to-use activities. These strategies include identifying similarities and differences, writing summaries and taking notes, creating non-linguistic representations, and suggestions for homework and practice.
The second edition of Essaying the Past features a variety of updates and enhancements to further its standing as an indispensible resource to all aspects of researching and writing historical essays.Includes expert advice on writing about history, conducting good research, and learning how to think analyticallyIncludes a new chapter addressing common situations that represent steps in the transition from a rough first draft to a final version