Word selection is based on high frequency and/or common misspelling. Words grouped by common sound/symbol relationships or other word groupings. Book A has eight words per lesson. Lesson contents include short and long vowels, rhyming words, number words, color words, and a section on words writers use a lot. Strategies include proofreading, using words in writing, rhyming patterns, and dictionary skills. Periodic review for remediation and reinforcement.
"For a comprehensive, yet easy-to-read guide to fixing those all-too-common shortcomings in your accounting department, look no further than this excellent book. Steve Bragg provides hundreds of fixes, many of them requiring surprisingly little time or cost while providing a handy guide to common implementation pitfalls . . . I would recommend this invaluable book to anyone who is looking to enhance their existing processes, whether due to growth in their business, compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley, or just as part of their ongoing improvement process."
Self Therapies for Common Diseases is an introduction to the methods of natural therapy. Based on his teaching experience, his medical practice, and his application of Chinese traditional medical therapy, the author summarizes more than a hundred self-therpies for various common diseases, such as those of the respiratory system, the central and peripheral nervous systems, the cardio-vascular system, the gastroenteric system, the gynecologic system, and the five sense organs.
Principles and Practice of Manual Therapeutics provides comprehensive coverage of the full array of manipulative techniques and their therapeutic applications to common and un-common diseases and/or syndromes. As a volume in a series of books concerning complementary and alternative medicine, Principles and Practices of Manual Therapeutics deals exclusively with the most commonly used forms of manual therapeutics. The book is an overview of the principal manual therapies practiced worldwide, the theories and rationales, and practice algorithms, with contacts and resources for further study
For anyone who wants to learn more about medicinal plants and how to use them at home, Herbal Remedies provides essential information on how to safely use herbal medicines and shows you how to create your own remedies to target common ailments.
Covers over 150 of the most popular herbs available
Includes a reference section that targets 50 common ailments
Features a Directory of Herbs and a Star Rating-System