Although it has only 126 pages the book is divided into: Introduction, Recipes, Appetizers and Salads, Soups, Meat, Seafood, Eggs and Cheese, Vegetables, Sides and Sauces, Desserts, Cakes and Pies, Cookies and Squares, Breads and Rolls, Confections, Entertaining, Table of Common Measure Conversions, Epilogue: The Official List of Cooking Skill Levels, Websites of Contributors. Over 100 recipes.
The 2007 Abel Symposium took place at the University of Oslo in August 2007. The goal of the symposium was to bring together mathematicians whose research efforts have led to recent advances in algebraic geometry, algebraic K-theory, algebraic topology, and mathematical physics. A common theme of this symposium was the development of new perspectives and new constructions with a categorical flavor.
The author assembles a collection of plans for 23 of the most spectacular wooden boxes available. Lydgate, who made about half of the featured projects, feels that boxes give the observer a sense of mystery because their contents are unknown. The projects range from traditional rectangular boxes to unusual, one-of-a-kind artworks. One aspect each project has in common is perfect execution and beautiful materials. There is something here for woodworkers of all skill levels.
Unlike the all-or-nothing approach of some parenting books, The Diaper-Free Baby addresses three categories of parents: full-time, part-time, and occasional EC'ers. Parents can practice EC as much or as little as fits their family and lifestyle. A support group within a book, The Diaper-Free Baby also includes inspiring testimonials throughout every chapter. Parents who have successfully practiced EC identify common struggles, share experiences and problem-solving tips, and provide encouragement for those new to the technique.
Understanding Neurology: a Problem-Orientated Approach
This book takes a problem-oriented approach to the evaluation of common symptoms presenting to medical students. It begins with guidance in history taking and examination leading the student on to neurological examination. The following sections outline all the common presenting symptoms, such as forgetfulness, dizziness or pain, and relate them to the spectrum of neurological conditions and diseases. Some case histories are used to illustrate problems and the book ends with a section of MCQ’s.