Fearless Resumes: The Proven Method for Getting a Great Job Fast
Fearless Resumes shows how to Use words and phrases employers look for Prove your value to the company Turn weaknesses into strengths Avoid common snares
100 lessons, arranged in five-lesson cycles, teach 33 common roots and all of the common prefixes and suffixes. Lessons cover making words; decoding and spelling words with roots, prefixes, and suffixes; root meanings; and more. Also contains review activities and reproducible Take-Home Word Walls. Supports the Four-Blocks® Literacy Model.
Discussions A-Z Advanced is a photocopiable resource book of speaking activities designed to encourage lively, natural discussion among advanced level students. Providing a refreshing perspective on many common themes the material consists of 26 topic-based units, each filled with a variety of stimulating activities.
Are you intimidated by insurance? Have no fear — this easy-to-understand guide explains everything you need to know, from getting the most coverage at the best price to dealing with adjusters, filing claims, and more. Whether you're looking for personal or business insurance, you'll see how to avoid common pitfalls, lower your costs, and get what you deserve at claim time.