Slang is language with its sleeves rolled up, colorful, pointed, brash, bristling with humor and sometimes with hostility. Here, John Ayto has brought together over 10,000 slang words and phrases common to 20th-century English, to provide a comprehensive and highly engaging guide to the most outspoken corner of our language.
A supplementary booklet for Polish teachers working with Adventures Elementary coursebook - level A1. Contains additional exercises, worksheets, self-assessment cards, description of the Common European Framework as well as Common Principles and Guidelines.
Section I THE TOYS TO HAVE The jolliest indoor games for boys and girls demand a floor, and the home that has no floor upon which games may be played falls so far short of happiness. It must be a floor covered with linoleum or cork carpet, so that toy soldiers and such-like will stand up upon it, and of a color and surface that will take and show chalk marks; the common green- colored cork carpet without a pattern is the best of all. It must be no highway to other rooms, and well lit and airy.
This story assumes that Doctor Weir was mind-probed by the Asurans following her capture at the beginning of season four. During the probe, the incident she recalls is set during season three, after Common Ground and prior to First Strike.
Очередная Powerpoint-презентация для изучающих английский - 60 страниц упражнений на неправильные глаголы. In this presentation you will see the common used irregular verbs. First the learner will see the picture about the verb and try to guess the present,past and past participle form of the verb.Then,s/he will see the answers.It is very useful for the classess.