Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe
The sweeping diversity of complex life on Earth, Ward and Brownlee argue, evolved out of an extraordinary set of physical conditions and chance events that would be extremely hard to duplicate- though not impossible. Many planets throughout the vastness of the Universe may be teeming with microbial life, but advancement beyond this stage is very rare. Everyone with an interest in the possible extent of life in the Universe and the nature of life's evolution on our own planet will be fascinated by Rare Earth.
This introduction to American Independent Cinema offers both a comprehensive industrial and economic history of the sector from the early twentieth century to the present and a study of key individual films, filmmakers and film companies. Readers will develop an understanding of the complex dynamic relations between independent and mainstream American cinema.
Human Resource Management have become more complex and the issues and policies which have become associated with it have multiplied considerably. It became a complex science, and this book tries to explain peculiarities of this science.
have become more complex and the issues and policies which
have become associated with it have multiplied considerably. have become more complex and the issues and policies which
have become associated with it have multiplied considerably. The
Mastering the Complex Sale: How to Compete and Win When the Stakes are High!
In today's turbulent and volatile marketplace, even the most experienced professionals are struggling with the rapid commoditization of their complex, high-value solutions. The complexity of the problems to be solved and the competitive threats we face are increasing at an alarming rate. At the same time, your customers are wrestling with mission-critical decisions and evaluating solutions that all sound the same and come packaged with a high degree of risk and a low probability of success.