Academic Studies English - Introduction to Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension means understanding and remembering the ideas you find as you read. As you know, reading begins by learning the shapes of letters and the sounds they represent. When letters are written in groups, they become words. Words are just groups of symbols that stand for the names of things, actions, and ideas that you see, hear, smell, touch or taste every day.
Academic Studies English - Reading Comprehension: Drama
Drama is another form of narrative writing which uses plot, character, setting, and theme to present a story. It is, however, different from other forms or genres because it is never meant solely to be read by an individual; plays are written to be acted before groups of people. Unfortunately, we don’t always have access to the live performance of plays, so many times we have to be satisfied with reading the script, or the words in a play.
Academic Studies English - Reading Comprehension: The Novel
The purpose of this course is to begin to provide you with the skills and knowledge you will need to understand and interpret any novel you will ever read. There is no one right answer to any question in literature. Any answer which is supported by logical references to the author’s words and ideas will be considered correct.
The Stage 6 provide a rich story context to help develop language comprehension and decoding skills. Stories involve familiar situations and a variety of fantasy settings through the magic key adventures. The new-style inside cover notes provide advice and support to help adults read and explore the story with the child, supporting their decoding and language comprehension development.
Essential Skills - Vocabulary Building Workbook with answer key
This workbook includes 24 lessons designed to improve your vocabulary. Each lesson starts with a list of words and definitions, and an example of how each word can be used in a sentence. That is followed by a variety of exercises, including matching meanings, reading comprehension tests, and crossword puzzles.