Conversation analysis has contributed enormously to the understanding of social life, social structure, the meaning ascribed by individuals to interaction, and the rules and structures of conversation. George Psathas' succinct introduction outlines its procedures and its major accomplishments, with discussions on verbal sequence, institutional constraints on interaction, and the deep structure of talk.
Let's Talk in English, first published in 1981, and Studio Classroom rank number one and two as the best-selling English magazines in Taiwan. Let's Talk in English, the best domestic English conversation magazine, has earned the IBC Good Programs Award. It provides practical vocabulary and conversation skills to help you learn to speak English well by using simple, useful vocabulary.
How Conversation Works: 6 Lessons for Better Communication
Regardless of age or occupation, conversation can be tricky. But like it or not, it's one of the most important things you do on a daily basis. Successful conversations help you advance professionally and make, maintain, and deepen relationships. Moreover, research shows that talking, when done on a substantive level, is correlated with a feeling of happiness and general well-being.
Joining the Conversation: Writing in College and Beyond
With the success of The Bedford Researcher, Mike Palmquist has earned a devoted following of teachers and students who appreciate his accessible approach to the process of inquiry-based writing. Now he brings his proven methodology and friendly tone to Joining the Conversation.
Award-winning teacher Mary Lou Walker presents 10 clear rules to making conversation rewarding and fulfilling in this casual compendium of wit and wisdom. Positing that conversation groups, or colloquies, make the perfect social antidote in today’s culture of tweeting and texting, she infuses each step with valuable life-lessons to help develop character and likability while mastering the art of engaging with others through dialogue.