The irresistible bear from Darkest Peru, who was found on Paddington Station, returns for a day of London sightseeing in this hilarious picture book! Paddington is very excited. He is going on a day trip around the city with his friend, Mr Gruber. With his suitcase full of marmalade sandwiches and Mrs Bird's umbrella in case it rains, the bear from darkest Peru is ready for anything. Or almost...How could Paddington know that the other tourists would think he was their tour guide? And how could he guess that they would follow him everywhere? Chaos and humour are hand-in-hand in this new story about the bear who always gets it right in the end.
BBC Focus UK - October 2013 BBC Focus magazine is a science technology magazine with a trained eye on the future. Includes scientific breakthroughs and gadgets that could shape the future of the human race, on earth or in space.
Franny Marten's life is unraveling. Expecting to meet her boyfriend, Marcus Marks, for dinner, she finds his wife waiting for her instead. After the initial shock wears off, Franny finds she has more in common with Clare Marks than she could ever have imagined. And, amazingly, the women become fast friends...
This is a beginning reading book targeted ages 4-8. Jimmy Neutron is tired of being a boy genius. Sometimes he wishes he could just be a normal kid. That's where his latest invention, the Brain-Drain 8000, comes in! Find out what happens when Jimmy drains too much brainpower. The results could be disasterous for all of Retroville!
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. Bottles, lost toys, small objects of every description are among his usual finds. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery: a barnacle-encrusted underwater camera, with its own secrets to share ...and to keep.