The Elements of Private Investigation - An Introduction to the Law, Techniques, and Procedures
In today’s increasingly litigious society, the threat of a private investigator (PI) being hit with a civil lawsuit or even criminal charges is very real. Keeping up with the multitude of laws that impact what investigators can and can’t do can be daunting—but could prove costly if ignored.
With Our Backs to the Wall: Victory and Defeat in 1918
At the end of 1917 Britain and France faced a strategic nightmare. Their great offensives against Germany had been calamitous, leaving hundreds of thousands of young men dead and wounded for negligible territorial gains. Despite America's entry into the war the US army remained tiny, the Italian army had been routed, and Russia had dropped out of the conflict. The Central Powers now dominated Central and Eastern Europe, and Germany could move over forty divisions to the Western Front. Yet only one year later, on 11 November 1918, the fighting ended in a decisive Allied victory
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, in a house only one door away, a family is brutally murdered for no apparent reason. And you think to yourself: It could have been us. And you start to wonder: What if we're next?
A political assassin is ready to make his move. The police department's only clue is a single, perfectly typed, bomb threat. In a few days, the corruption of one cop - and the madness of an assassin - could blow the whole city sky high. Featuring the regular cast from the "Badge of Honor" series.
He was a mighty Scottish warrior who lived in a world bound by ancient laws and timeless magic. But no immortal powers could prepare the laird of Castle Brodie for the lovely accursed lass who stood before him. A terrible trick of fate had sent her 700 years back in time and into his private chamber to tempt him with her beauty-and seduce him with a desire he could never fulfill. For this woman he burned to possess was also the woman he had foresworn to destroy.