The book provides a self-contained and accessible introduction to the subject. It starts with an introduction to integrability of ordinary and partial differential equations.
The Ultimate Survival Guide For The Single Father is a straightforward, no-nonsense guidebook for single dads of all backgrounds struggling to meet the challenge of raising a child. Individual chapters address a wide range of issues and concerns from coping with divorce and separation, to dealing with domestic chores, to cooking nutritious meals fast and easy, to taking care of one's health and financial matters, to balancing home responsibilities with a career, and much more.
Highly acclaimed in its first two editions, Ian R. McWhinney's Textbook of Family Medicine is one of the seminal texts in the field. While many family medicine texts simply cover the disorders a practitioner might see in clinical practice, McWhinney defines the principles and practices of family medicine as a separate and distinct field of practice. The initial sections cover basic principles and philosophies of family medicine and a later section discusses approaches to common diseases encountered in practice.
Warriner’s goal in preparing his handbooks was to create "a completely flexible teaching tool adaptable to ... any individual classroom." He did not design his books to be teaching texts in which the class moves sequentially from chapter to chapter, every student doing all the exercises along the way. In fact, he asserted just the opposite: "[A] book of this kind is not intended for methodical coverage from cover to cover. The book contains more material than any one class can handle in a single year. Teachers will teach those chapters that a particular class needs and will assign exercises in proportion to the need."
For those new to the payroll function, this book is best read in sequential order from cover to cover. For those who are implementing a new payroll system, Chapters 1–4, 12, 13, and 17 will be the most useful, while for those who want to improve their current systems, Chapters 4, 5, and 15 are highly recommended.