Added by: markustm | Karma: 7.03 | Black Hole | 21 July 2012
IELTS Speaking Topics
"IELTS Speaking Topics" provides both educators and students with a collection of photocopiable speaking two topics. Each question is designed to be used to supplement current materials related to the IELTS academic and general modules of the test.
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Teaching English Grammar - What to Teach and How to Teach it
Added by: saimoh76 | Karma: 7331.60 | Black Hole | 22 June 2012
Teaching English Grammar - What to Teach and How to Teach it
Teachers frequently need to present new grammar to learners and grammar presentations are often at the heart of language lessons. This is part of the current general ‘communicative’ methodology, and is embodied or assumed in most current materials. Coursebooks usually provide ‘ready-made’ presentations, but teachers often want to strengthen or supplement the grammatical explanations in order to meet the particular learning events in their own classrooms. And when other materials like a reading text or an online activity are being used, there can be multiple situations
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Music's place in the National Curriculum in England and Wales is now firmly established. This book is a guide to help all primary teachers, and those with a co-ordinating role who support them, develop music in their classrooms. it looks at children's learning in music, in the context of current thinking on primary education and the developments of primary music since 1991.
A rehashing of old—if successful—ground from his 2001 book Getting Things Done, Allen revisits his simple yet comprehensive system of organizing every aspect of one's life for career, professional and personal development—even addressing how to plan a vacation, choose a babysitter or arrange eldercare for a parent. The author's inarguable premise is that a complete and current inventory of commitments organized and reviewed in a systematic way can sharpen focus and allow for wiser decision making.
Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice Frederic S. Mishkin
Building on his expertise in macroeconomic policymaking at the Federal Reserve, Mishkin’s Macroeconomics: Policy and Practice text clearly provides a theoretical framework that illustrates the most current and relevant policy debates in the field.