All living organisms require information to function. If we want to make meaningful and useful statements about the origin of life, then we first have to explain what information is and how it came about. The author of this book uses many ilustrative and striking examples to clarify this question.
The basic principles of information are clearly established in terms of laws and theorems which are just as valid and applicable as those employed in the natural sciences. The current materialistic representations of information are criticised, and a new model for the origin of life is derived.
Consumer-driven products have kept the food industry at the forefront of technological innovations. For example, the redefinition of the once accepted compromise between convenience and quality is just one of the current issues driving the development of new products. An overview of a range of solutions for these challenges, Innovation in Food Engineering: New Techniques and Products addresses not only new or alternative technologies but also new products, materials, and additives that have emerged as a response to current and emerging issues faced by the food industry.
Featuring over 600 full-color illustrations, the Third Edition of this definitive reference provides comprehensive, current, and authoritative coverage of the entire spectrum of urologic surgical pathology. The book emphasizes diagnostic morphology and includes clinical-pathologic correlations. This thoroughly updated edition clarifies histologic variants of prognostic value in urinary bladder cancers and prostate carcinomas and identifies tumor markers useful in both diagnosis and post-therapy management of cancer patients.
The designs in this book are beautifully photographed and even if you don't crochet you will appreciate the charming decor that was used to showcase the refreshingly current projects.
In his introduction to this wide-ranging collection, author and "psychonaut" Pinchbeck (2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl) reaffirms his hypothesis that, based on Mayan predictions, "December 12, 2012 may usher in a new world age" necessitating a "rapid evolution of collective intelligence" in order to avoid cataclysm.